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发布日期:2024-09-30 14:10浏览次数:
本文摘要:The dependence on the Internet and mobile phones seems to have become profound. When cut off from these modern-day technological innovations, people tend to become anxious rather than feeling liberated, says a study.人们对互联网和移动电话的倚赖或许早已很深了。

The dependence on the Internet and mobile phones seems to have become profound. When cut off from these modern-day technological innovations, people tend to become anxious rather than feeling liberated, says a study.人们对互联网和移动电话的倚赖或许早已很深了。研究找到,当人们丧失了这些现代技术创新时,不是深感“再一和平了”,而往往不会显得焦虑不安。Researchers have found that staying in a place with no mobile phone coverage, or suffering from the Internet going down, is a cause of high stress and anxiety for an increasing number of people.研究人员找到,当睡在一个没移动电话信号覆盖面积的地方,或互联网掉线时,更加多的人会显得紧绷和焦虑不安。

The study, undertaken for Virgin Media by the analysts Future Laboratory, is based on a survey.这份基于调查的研究报告是由英国的《未来实验室》分析人员为《维京媒体》所作的。As many as 85 per cent of full-time mothers always have the Internet turned on at home, while a third of people said they no longer felt any sense of guilt about always being connected either by having their mobile phone or computer turned on, the survey found.调查找到,在家里,有多达85%的全职母亲总是连上互联网的,而三分之一的人说道,让手机和电脑总是正处于“连网”状态时,已仍然有任何的负罪感。The results indicated that 36 per cent of people were anxious about keeping in touch with their family if they were disconnected, compared with just 29 per cent who felt theyre liberated。

调查表明,如果网络遭到插入,就不会有36%的人渴求与家人保持联系,而深感“和平了”的只有29%。When it came to work 29 per cent cent said they were anxious when cut off, compared with 28 per cent saying they felt liberated.当牵涉到到工作时,29%的人回应,网络截断时,他们不会焦虑不安;而28%的说道,他们可以精彩了。



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